FREE LIVE cHALLENGE: Presented by Katie Doyle - Wellness & Mindful Nature Coach


Nurture Your Nervous System

A 5-Day Nervous System Reset to connect with nature, boost your metabolism, reduce tension, and gain more energy!

This free LIVE EVENT Will Be Held...

August 22- August 26, 2022

7:30 PM EST / 4:30 PM PST

When you're ready to reduce stress, invite natural healing modalities, dedicate yourself to your healthy lifestyle, but you've realized you've been postponing your priorities...

fully IMPLEMENT & Understand how rewiring your nervous system is vital to your overall health!

Whole Foods Plan

My SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED, BLOOM Eating Plan to nourish your whole system, and boost immunity easily and quickly!

Mindful Movement

How to prioritize daily MOVEMENT that is light, fun and gives you the metabolism boost for a healthy body!

Optimized Energy

Learn how to immediately have more energy in your day with my QUALITY SLEEP SYSTEM

Day 1: Nervous System Reboot: Learn how you're sabotaging your "main computer", aka your nervous system with the modern life you lead and why making changes ASAP can give you energy, mental clarity and a boost of mood!

Day 2: Nature Healthy Habits Blueprint: Planning is the key to success! You'll get my exact system for using nature as a tool to kickstart your daily wellness protocols.

Day 3: Elevating Your Nature: Implement my in home nature plan where you'll learn how nature is our #1 resource to heal, reset the nervous system and how to bring the healing energy of nature into our home.

Day 4: Mindful Movement: Take control of your daily fitness! Create your healthy habits with my key movement practices that work for your schedule, finances, body & mind!

Day 5: Connect + Grow: Implement the B.L.O.O.M. method for successful habit building and becoming your healthiest (and happiest) ever!!!


Wellness and Mindful Nature Coach

About your host:

Hiya, I'm Katherine - aka Katie

I am a wellness entrepreneur who is determined to spread health and happiness across the globe! Wellness has been a lifelong journey for me, I was faced with a really difficult decision, when I was working in corporate, I had a great job and I noticed that my passion for wellness and healing was always pulling at me and speaking to me with that little voice in the back of my mind.

Then when my father passed away, I knew I had to make a decision to go for my happiness or to stay where I was comfortable. I choose happiness, I choose to fully delve into and apply the 10 years of classes, workshops, and trainings that I had participated in and not just become a yoga teacher but to become a Wellness Entrepreneur.

I am a certified Reiki healer, a Holistic Health Coach, Meditation Instructor and Sound Healing Facilitator.

All these modalities together is what helped me create the Bloom Burst Method which helps men and women in corporate settings or struggling with stress, it helps to unravel the feeling of being constricted, tired and worn out and to emerge into a state of blooming.

You'll walk away with your own daily blueprint to reduce stress and tension through natural healing modalities.

Disclaimer - This event is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to growing your online coaching, consulting or infoproduct business. Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved. At the end of the event, a program will be offered for purchase.


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